Grey Matter: Arguing with Descartes - product images  of
Grey Matter: Arguing with Descartes - product images  of
Grey Matter: Arguing with Descartes - product images  of
Grey Matter: Arguing with Descartes - product images  of
Grey Matter: Arguing with Descartes - product images  of

Grey Matter: Arguing with Descartes

12cm x 12cm | Paper and nubuck
Grey Matter explores the relationship between our bodies and minds within the context of the dominant philosophical paradigm. Taking Descartes’ model of dualism, where the world is divided into polarised opposites - black and white, mind and body, right and wrong. The book structure is employed to question the validity of this extreme theoretical splits so readily accepted within mainstream philosophical thought and theology. In creating a three-way structure within the book, a middle ground is forged, articulating a different viewpoint, somewhere between black and white. Here subjectivity, perception and a far less certain view of the world allow for a ‘grey area’ in which our minds and bodies can join up and represent the reality and complexity of a more holistic human condition.

First Signed Edition of 150.
ISBN: 0-9546942-8-7
Heather Weston, 2005
Offset lithography, paper, book cloth and board. Leather slipcase.

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